
view this site on desktop it'll look janked up on your phone. here you will find nothing right now but i swear i'm working on it and eventually there will be stuff. i want to use it to write about music i like and anything else i think is interesting enough to share. also check out my friend's site linked to the left!.


i'm danny, i'm a high schooler (i'm the only one left in my online friendgroup who hasn't graduated. it sucks) i have a pet cat named molly (she's adorable and i'll add pictures of her soon) my hobbies are drawing, listening to music and playing minecraft. i also like going to shows but i don't do that often because i'm broke and don't like going outside. i don't really know what else to write about myself honestly i'm pretty boring as a person but you should still stick around and read what i have to say because my thoughts are more interesting than me as a whole.

i'm going to fill the rest of this in with the answers to a random survey until i think of something better. favorite shoes:: beat up docs i've worn everyday for 4 years, favorite genre:: posthardcore, favorite drink:: strawberry rockstar, favorite game:: minecraft, favorite place:: my room, favorite song:: don't want to know if you are lonely by husker du, favorite movie:: fight club, favorite subject:: math or autoshop, favorite color:: green and brown, favorite food:: nerds gummy clusters
